Dec 1, 2017 | Financial Wellness, Lifestyle
Written By: Genesis Moreno It’s all fun and games until “5, 4, 3, 2, 1” is followed by a zero in your bank account. According to Prosper Insights & Analytics’ recent annual survey, the average amount U.S. adults plan to spend this holiday season is...Oct 30, 2017 | Lifestyle, Love Your Life Again, Why You Need My Education Solutions
Which came first – the chicken or the egg? No one can really decide. The same goes for researchers who have been trying to decide whether debt causes mental health issues or if mental health issues cause debt – but regardless of the answer – we can all agree that debt...Jul 14, 2017 | Lifestyle, Love Your Life Again
Sunshine and destinations are the key to a great vacation – somewhere warm and wonderful and preferably somewhere that doesn’t break the bank. Politics, economics and all those other things we want to forget when we head out for vacation fun have made some travel...May 11, 2017 | Lifestyle, Love Your Life Again, Saving Tips, Why You Need My Education Solutions
That bundle of joy can also cost you a bundle of bucks! The average cost of raising a baby in the first year alone is around $12,500, that’s according to a 2010 report from the USDA. Consider time taken off for maternity/paternity leave and other excessive costs...Feb 3, 2017 | Lifestyle, Saving Tips
Loving yourself and your life is the same as falling in love with someone else. You have to take the time to nurture the relationship, learn about yourself and fall in love with YOU. Find out who you are: Spend 5 minutes a day and create a list with two columns – one...