Oct 30, 2017 | Lifestyle, Love Your Life Again, Why You Need My Education Solutions
Which came first – the chicken or the egg? No one can really decide. The same goes for researchers who have been trying to decide whether debt causes mental health issues or if mental health issues cause debt – but regardless of the answer – we can all agree that debt...Aug 24, 2017 | Debt Forgiveness Programs, Student Loan Forgiveness
Lots of confusion exists in the marketplace with people being told by their Service Provider that they are enrolled in a Forgiveness Program when they may have only been placed on a reduced payment plan. Not all reduced payment plans guarantee that the individual is...Jul 14, 2017 | Lifestyle, Love Your Life Again
Sunshine and destinations are the key to a great vacation – somewhere warm and wonderful and preferably somewhere that doesn’t break the bank. Politics, economics and all those other things we want to forget when we head out for vacation fun have made some travel...